

At the end of the holidays, I am coming back to the Second Life. My clothes were not popular. Hmmm, I think, I should be given a new style. In the store Miyo Darci has changed a lot, it is much better. She is starting a club on the first floor.

À la fin des vacances, je vais revenir à Second Life. Mes vêtements n'étaient pas populaires. Hmmm, je pense, je doit recevoir un nouveau style. Miyo Darci a beaucoup changé dans la boutique. Elle est de démarrer un club à l'étage.

1 comment:

  1. Hey NoLa.. i think your products are great.

    I think the products arent the problem. I also have problems to sell at the moment.

    I am sure that is because of the summer time.

    So dont give up.. your stuff is great. I think we will sell more if the summer holidays ends.

    I am sure

